Dra mig på en kall pilsner!
"Dear friends of ELOY,
We have finally done what you've been asking us to do for so long and so tirelessly. After a 13 year absence we have returned to the stage to play live for you. And we haven’t regretted it - your many emails have shown us that it was the right decision - even though it was a huge organizational and financial challenge.
24.MARCH.2012 Berlin, Postbahnhof
25.MARCH.2012 Hamburg, Markthalle
26.MARCH.2012 Cologne, Gloria
27.MARCH.2012 Stuttgart, Longhorn
28.MARCH.2012 ---tbd---
29.MARCH.2012 Munich, Muffathalle
30.MARCH.2012 Mainz, Frankfurter Hof"
Jag trodde att Night of the prog i år var en engångsföreteelse, men nog fan ser det ut som att jag måste åka till sauerkrautland i mars! Måtte nån fan boka dem till Amager Bio i Köpenhamn, det skulle kunna bli årtiondets spelning!!!
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